Congratulations to our 100 winners of the $RYMA AirDrop!

Nov 5, 2021


The 60,000 $RYMA AirDrop has ended! And Gleam system helped us to randomly draw 100 winners of this airDrop! Every winner will receive 600 $RYMA token as the airDrop rewards!

The winners’ names have been announced on the activity page >>> . Let’s fine your name on the list!

We have transfered to all the winners who have submitted their wallet address. But part of the winners didn't submit it when doing airDrop tasks. Due to this unfortunate condition, we are sorry that we could not transfer rewards to you!

If you want to fix this, please send DM with your information and wallet address to us in 3 days! Otherwise, it will be considered as invalid.

Thank you for supporting Ryoma. Congrats!

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