[ Meme Competition ] You are Born an Artist!

3 min readNov 2, 2021


We are excited to announce that Japanese famous actress Kana Momonogi (桃乃木かな) are now partnership with Ryoma. Ryoma will mint and sell 100 limited NFTs for Kana San.

To celebrate this very moment, we’re hosting a meme design competition. Let’s Make a Kawaii Meme with Kana Momonogi!


1. The official will display 3 pictures of @Kana_Momonogi as materials which allow users to make meme based on the materials which are attached at the bottom of the post.

2. Tweet to sign up for the competition. When you finish your creation, make a tweet to inform us. Ryoma team will retweet it.
Tweet in this form:
| #RYOMAMEME #NFT $RYMA @RyomaCrypto @Kana_Momonogi
|Title of the work ( if you named it):
|Few sentences to express your feeling.
|(Post your MEME works)

3. Send an email to make sure Ryoma team won’t miss your information. Participants must send emails to service@bakumatsu.finance.
|Title of Email:Meme submission
|Twitter username:
|Tweet link:
|Wallet address (ERC20):
|Meme Work:

4. There’ll be 3 winners in this competition and the required participants will share 10k $RYMA. Kana San will select 3 participants as the winners and publicize the result on her Twitter. The works of the 3 winners will be given the electronic signature of Kana San. And Ryoma officials will mint 3 NFTs for them. Kana San has the right to sell the NFTs and 30% of the sales amount will be given to the author.

5. Requirements
① Make memes without denigrating people.
All memes must combine with Kana Momonogi & Ryoma elements.
③ Plagiarism is not allowed. Once discovered, the qualification will be immediately disqualified. If there are same memes, the participant who posted the meme on Twitter in the first time will be considered as the original author.
④ All Memes must not involve sensitive topics such as religion, race, politics, drugs, violence, and pornography, etc.

Works that meet all of the above conditions are considered eligible.


Kana Momonogi:





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